Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
© Ken Kiss
Cooper's Hawk
© Chuck Isenhart
Prothonotary Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
© Mary Leigh
Northern Flicker
Northern Flicker
© Mary Leigh
Bonaparte's Gull
Bonaparte's Gull
© Tony Moline



The mission of the Dubuque Audubon Society is to provide educational opportunities to the people of the tri-state area and to preserve the natural habitat of birds and other wildlife.


Dubuque Audubon works on various projects, both one-time and ongoing.

Meetings & Programs

Our monthly programs feature speakers on topics related to nature and the environment. 

Board meetings and programs are usually held on the second Thursday of the month, from September through May. The board meets at 5:30, and then we have a social/sharing time starting at 6:45, with the program following at 7 PM. The usual location is the EB Lyons Interpretive Center at 8991 Bellevue Heights Road, Dubuque, IA 52003.  View Map

Check EVENTS to confirm dates and locations. Changes and cancellations will be posted there as well as on Facebook.

Field Trips

Field trips are scheduled to wildlife and natural areas in the tri-state vicinity. Occasional weekend or full day trips are also planned.

Annual events include the Duck Waddle, the Spring Bird Count, and the Christmas Bird Count.

Check EVENTS for details on all upcoming events. Changes and cancellations will be posted there as well as on Facebook.


The Dubuque Bird Club was organized on March 11, 1929. The president was Mrs. R. W. Johnson, and there were 14 charter members who met at her house.  

The Dubuque Bird Club became the Dubuque Audubon Society on January 11, 1973, becoming a charter member of the National Audubon Society.


The society accepts donations and has fundraising opportunities to support its goals and mission.

Officers & Board Members

Marty Corfman


Ken Kiss

Vice President

Great Blue Heron
Andrea Pellerito


Great Blue Heron
Maggie O'Connell


Chuck Isenhart
Mary Leigh

Web Admin

Tony Moline
Great Blue Heron
Lori Ollendick
Joe Tollari
Bob Walton

Iowa Audubon Liason

Sandy Walton
Great Blue Heron
Kari Zelinskas

Committee Chairs

Membership: Ken Kiss

Program: Bob & Sandy Walton

Field Trip/Volunteer Opportunities: Tony Moline

Conservation: Chuck Isenhart

Web & Publicity: Marty Corfman

Education: Kari Zelinskas

Newsletter: TBD