Dubuque and Jackson County Conservation Virtual Information Session

County Conservation Citizen Science Virtual Rundown

Thursday, 3/27/25
6:30 PM (over Zoom)

Join us to learn about becoming a volunteer for wildlife monitoring! Help with butterfly & bee surveys, bird counts, Bluebird box monitoring, bat counts, and water quality monitoring. By participating, you will help us gather valuable data about the species that inhabit our local parks.

Dubuque and Jackson County Conservation are hosting this virtual information session to provide more details about these projects and their specific requirements. Representatives from the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation and the Midwest Save Our Streams Izaak Walton League of America will be present to share insights and answer any questions you may have.

This program is free and open to the public. Read more and find the Zoom link at the event summary.

Dubuque Audubon March Program

Forest Management for Birds

Thursday, 3/13/25
6:45 PM Social/Sharing Time
7 – 8 PM Program

EB Lyons Interpretive Center
8991 Bellevue Heights Road
Dubuque, IA 52003
View Map

Dr. Adam Janke of Iowa State University will speak about forest management for birds. Forest birds set the soundtrack of summer for many forest landowners and managers. Those summer-time serenades come from a wide variety of places within the forest: ranging from the tops of the canopy to the banks of a stream, and everywhere in between. In this presentation, we’ll explore the biology and ecology of the birds we share our forests with and explore how forest management practices can help ensure the soundtrack of summer keeps playing in your forest for years to come. 

Adam Janke is an Associate Professor and extension wildlife specialist in the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management at Iowa State University. His research and education focus on finding opportunity areas for wildlife habitat conservation in working Midwestern landscapes.

Northern Shoveler
© Marty Corfman

Dubuque Audubon Annual Duck Waddle

Saturday, 3/8/25
(Traditionally the 2nd Saturday in March)

Green Island Wildlife Management Area
located in Jackson County, IA
View Map

Join us on our annual trip to Green Island to observe migrating waterfowl!  Green Island is one of Iowa’s largest wetland complexes and attracts thousands of ducks, geese, cranes, and other aquatic-based birds each March. Audubon guides will be on hand to help identify the numerous species. Binoculars are recommended. You may come and go as you choose.

To carpool from Dubuque, meet in the parking lot of EB Lyons Interpretive Center at 8991 Bellevue Heights Rd, Dubuque (View Map) at 6:00 AM. Please note that this meeting location is a change from previous years!

Otherwise you can meet the group at Green Island on Fish Lake Road where it intersects Green Island Road (View Map) between 6:45 and 7:00 AM.

Normally the trip lasts most of the morning, and for those that wish, we end by having breakfast/lunch at a restaurant.

Some of our members and followers might enjoy the Aldo Leopold Foundation’s biggest event of the year: Leopold Week! It is a 3-day fully virtual event featuring livestreamed speakers running March 4-6Come for the latest in conservation, environmental writing, and human-nature relationships.  

Read the Leopald Week 2025 FAQ for information on speakers (Amy Tan, Margaret Renkl, and Camille Dungy) and registration. The event is free, but donations are welcome.


Sponsored By:
Dubuque Audubon Society,
Dubuque County Conservation Society, &
Friends of Dubuque County Conservation Board

A Visit from Will Dilg
& Songs from Our Mighty Mississippi

Minnesota Opera baritone, American Cruise Lines actor, and “riverlorian” (river historian) Steven Marking brings to life the true and inspiring story of Will Dilg in a multi-media show you won’t soon forget. Will Dilg is the singular driving force behind the formation of the Izaak Walton League and the formation of our Upper Mississippi National Wildlife and Fish Refuge.

Date: Friday, February 28, 2025

Time: 7 – 9 PM (with 15 min. intermission)

Ticket Cost: $25 plus fees
General Admission (no reserved seating)
Tickets are on sale now.

Location: University of Dubuque Babka Theatre (Located in the Heritage Center)
2255 Bennett Street, Dubuque, IA 52001
View map

Farber Box Office:  563-585-SHOW
Box office hours:  Weekdays 11am to 2pm
Farber Box Office

In A Visit from Will Dilg, Steven Marking plays environmental leader Will Dilg, sharing the story of grassroots activism that led to the protection of America’s first Fish and Wildlife Refuge. A civic engagement success story, the performance showcases the transformation that can happen when people work together for conservation and environmental protection for future generations. The 50-minute multimedia performance is followed by an interactive discussion by Riverlorian Steven Marking. After a 15-minute intermission, Steven will share songs and stories from another of his creations, Our Mighty Mississippi – from the Headwaters to the Gulf of Mexico.

A century ago, Will Dilg was the driving force behind our nation’s first successful large scale grassroots environmental movement. After Dilg’s only son drowned in the Mississippi River, he rose up from the depths of depression and mourning to become a tireless, fanatic firebrand – leading an extraordinary national crusade to form the Izaak Walton League and save a 261 mile stretch of Mississippi River Backwaters we now know as the Upper Mississippi National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. While his life was cut short, his accomplishments are still legendary, and we all will benefit by hearing from him a century after this monumental achievement.

This show is a must-see performance if you treasure beautiful views of the Mississippi River backwaters, or if you enjoy birding, fishing, boating, or hunting in those fish and wildlife-rich backwaters. Because one hundred years ago all of that was about to go away as wetlands throughout the upper Mississippi were being drained to satisfy the insatiable demands of settlers for factories, farms and towns. In “A Visit from Will Dilg,” Steven Marking as Dilg recounts how he rallied the nation in two short years to stop what he called the “drainage crime of the century” and create the Upper Mississippi Refuge, protected 100 years ago, in 1924.

Steven Marking holds a Master’s Degree in Vocal Performance from the Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore, Maryland, and a Bachelor’s Degree from Viterbo University in his hometown of La Crosse, Wisconsin. He brings more than three decades of professional production and performance experience to his latest creation, A Visit From Will Dilg, and his ongoing masterpiece, Our Mighty Mississippi.

Steven Marking as Will Dilg

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Steven Marking as Will Dilg

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Great Backyard Bird Count

This year’s Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is February 14-17. Each February, the world joins to report bird observations to help scientists better understand global bird populations before one of their annual migrations. You can join the world in reporting what you see, and there is no need to sign up. If you already report birds using eBird or Merlin, just keep doing what you’re doing; any birds reported over these 4 days count toward GBBC.

The GBBC website has full details on the event and how to participate.

We are pleased to share that Jackson County Conservation is hosting a GBBC event on Saturday, February 15, from 10-12 at the Hurstville Interpretive Center. Registration is required (call 563-652-3783 up to 48 hours in advance). All ages and experience are welcome (kids must be accompanied by an adult). You’ll learn basic winter bird ID, practice using binoculars and identifying birds, and then go on a short hike to record data to be uploaded. You will take home all the knowledge to count, record, and report birds you see in your own neighborhood! They recommend that you dress for the weather and then add a layer. See Jackson County Conservation’s GBBC event page for their complete event description.

The GBBC was launched in 1998 by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon Society, with Birds Canada joining in 2009.

Dubuque Audubon February Gathering

Birds of a Feather Get-Together

Thursday, 2/13/25
7 – 8:30 PM

EB Lyons Interpretive Center
8991 Bellevue Heights Road
Dubuque, IA 52003
View Map

Join us for a “Birds of a Feather Get-Together” social event. We’ll provide snacks and decaffeinated coffee. Water fountains are available. You are welcome to bring other beverages.

This will also be a great opportunity to share ideas for activities and programs, ask birding questions, and learn more about the Dubuque Audubon Society. You never know… there might even be door prizes!  Hope to see you there!

Dubuque Audubon January Program

Improving the River Environment

Thursday, 1/9/25
6:45 PM Social/Sharing Time
7 – 8 PM Program

EB Lyons Interpretive Center
8991 Bellevue Heights Road
Dubuque, IA 52003
View Map

Jeremiah Haas, fisheries biologist at Quad Cities Clean Energy Center, will speak to us about their Mississippi River monitoring, hatchery operation, and outreach.

The Quad Cities Clean Energy Center in Cordova, IL, has been in operation since 1973 and has been conducting environmental work since 1971. The current programs can be broken down into three categories:

  • Monitoring: Fish and other biota monitoring has occurred since 1971 and is one of the longest continuous databases on the Mississippi River.
  • Hatchery Operation: The hatchery currently produces walleye, hybrid striped bass, and endangered and threatened freshwater mussels. The hatchery has stocked over 10 million fish since its operations started in 1984.
  • Outreach:  Finally, the outreach programs consist of talks to environmental, civic, and other groups that have an interest in the Station’s operations and environmental monitoring.  Hundreds of students and adults tour the hatchery each year.

Jeremiah Haas has been a fisheries biologist at Quad Cities Station since 2000, with a diverse set of experiences prior to taking that position. He has worked with nearly every conservation-oriented entity on the Mississippi River the past few decades, focusing on improving the Mississippi River and educating the public about the resource. Outside of his day job, he writes for multiple outdoor publications and coaches basketball for Unity Christian School. In his few moments of free time, you can find him in the woods or on the water enjoying those resources. In April, he will be officially inducted into the Illinois Outdoor Hall of Fame for his conservation work.

American Robin
© George Tuft

National Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count is the longest running organized citizen science project in the United States, and this year is the 125th anniversary!  Read more from the National Audubon Society.

Dubuque Audubon Annual Christmas Bird Count

Saturday, 12/28/24
(Backup Date: 12/29/24)

Start: 8 AM
EB Lyons Interpretive Center
8991 Bellevue Heights Road
Dubuque, IA 52003
View Map

Compilation & Potluck: 5 PM
Swiss Valley Nature Preserve and Nature Center
13606 Swiss Valley Road
Dubuque, IA 52068
View Map

Join Dubuque Audubon field trip leaders as we split into groups to identify and count birds within a 15-mile-diameter circle centered at Center Grove Cemetery, Dubuque, IA. Sectors include Swiss Valley, Mines of Spain, City of Dubuque, Western Dubuque, Deere Dike/north of Dubuque, Dubuque Airport, and western Grant County.

Meet at EB Lyons at 8 AM. All skill levels are welcome. As we move between locations, you can carpool with leaders or drive separately, depending on space and preference.  If you stop early, you’re welcome to return for the compilation and potluck at Swiss Valley. 

You may also sign up to participate by feeder-watching from home.

Compilation will be at 5 pm at Swiss Valley Nature Center in the main floor meeting room, followed by a potluck. All data will be submitted to the National Audubon Society and used to track trends in bird diversity. 

You’re officially invited if you participated (regardless of whether you birded all day or just part of the day) or if you signed up for feeder-watching from home. You’re welcome even if you didn’t participate but are interested in the compilation, if you sign up in advance for the potluck.

We’ll provide a couple chili options. Bring your own beverage (water fountain available at Swiss Valley). We don’t need everyone to bring something, but we’d like to be sure we have enough chili and bowls. 

Dubuque Audubon December Program

Ducks Unlimited – Wetlands Conservation

Thursday, 12/12/24
6:45 PM Social/Sharing Time
7 – 8 PM Program

EB Lyons Interpretive Center
8991 Bellevue Heights Road
Dubuque, IA 52003
View Map

Mike Shannon, senior regional biologist in Iowa for Ducks Unlimited, will provide a brief overview of the continental work Ducks Unlimited is doing and then focus his presentation on wetland work in Iowa. Mike is a waterfowl biologist and wetlands expert who has been with Ducks Unlimited for almost 25 years and leads the Iowa conservation team.  

Ben Berka, Ducks Unlimited Director of Development – Iowa, will be in attendance.

Dubuque Audubon Pop-up Event

Pop-up Social Time!

Monday, 11/18/24
5:30 – 7:30 PM

Darkbird Taphouse
7305 Thunder Valley Drive
Peosta, IA 52068
View Map

We’re trying something new! Let’s get together to socialize! We may end up discussing program or field trip ideas, but who knows.  

For those who haven’t been to Darkbird before, there is no table service, which should work well for our gathering. Food and beverages can be ordered at either end of the bar.

We have reserved the upper level in case we need the space. It overlooks the lower level.  There are steps from the lower level, but an elevator is also available.

If you arrive before 6:30, you’ll have a chance to win a free drink token! We’ll have one trivia question, and each person can submit one answer. Entries must be submitted by 6:30, and we’ll announce the winner shortly after. If we have more than one correct answer, we’ll draw for the winner.

No RSVP is needed, so feel free to decide at the last minute, but if you do plan on coming, we would appreciate an email to, so that we have an idea of how much space we’ll need.

Hope to see you Monday night!I

Dubuque Audubon November Program

Mississippi River Fish, Turtles, & More!

Thursday, 11/14/24
6:45 PM Social/Sharing Time
7 – 8 PM Program

EB Lyons Interpretive Center
8991 Bellevue Heights Road
Dubuque, IA 52003
View Map

Denny Weiss  worked 35 years for the Iowa DNR in fisheries research on the Mississippi River at the Fairport and Bellevue fisheries stations. Denny will share his knowledge and hands-on experience about the unique and interesting fish, turtles, and animals that call the Mississippi River their home.

Denny Weiss grew up in Burlington, Iowa, spending a great deal of his time on the Mississippi River. He graduated from Iowa State University with a B.S. degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Biology in 1978. He worked 35 years for the Iowa DNR in fisheries research on the Mississippi River at the Fairport and Bellevue fisheries stations. While employed with the DNR, Denny would often present 80-100 talks about fish, turtles, furbearers, and other topics to a wide range of audiences each year. He would volunteer to give presentations both weekends in the DNR building at the Iowa State Fair every year.

Now that Denny has retired, he has more time for his favorite hobbies in life: hunting, fishing, commercial fishing, and fur trapping. Retirement has allowed him to spend more time with his wife, daughters, and four granddaughters. Denny loves to be called a “Mississippi River Rat” because the river has always been in his blood. Denny is usually on the river 2-3 days/week in the spring, summer, and fall months, catching catfish in the hoop nets that he makes himself, and he sells his fish. From November through February, Denny is fur trapping almost every day for all of the various furbearing species that live in Iowa. Denny and his wife (Theresa) have also enjoyed traveling to many places for the big game hunting that Denny enjoys. Denny’s hunts have taken them to some neat places in British Columbia, Kodiak Island, Alaska, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Ontario, New Zealand, and Australia. For the past 10 years since his retirement, Denny normally does 20 or more presentations each year to a wide range of audiences to share his knowledge and hands-on experience about the unique and interesting fish, turtles, and animals that call the Mississippi River their home.

Dubuque Audubon October Program

Birds of the Upper Mississippi River Refuge

Thursday, 10/10/24
6:45 PM Social/Sharing Time
7 – 8 PM Program

EB Lyons Interpretive Center

8991 Bellevue Heights Road
Dubuque, IA 52003
View Map

Wildlife photographer Paul Winer will present a public program entitled “Birds of the Upper Mississippi River Refuge.” Paul’s program will feature photographic images from his numerous ramblings within the Savanna District of the Upper Mississippi River Refuge.

Red-tailed Hawk

Pop-up Event

Fall Raptor Watch
Mines of Spain Cedar Ridge Viewing Platform

Sunday, 9/22/24
9:30 AM – 2 PM

View Map

Fall raptor migration typically kicks into high gear the 3rd week of September, bringing large kettles of Broad-Winged Hawks (some as large as 300-800 birds!) and other birds of prey. Join Dubuque Audubon as we view and count hawks, falcons, eagles, and vultures from the Prairie Ridge viewing platform. 

To access the platform, park at the Cedar Ridge parking lot at the south entrance to Mines of Spain and hike a short distance back to the platform. Come and go as you please. Expect ebbs and flows of migrant birds. Binoculars are recommended. This event is free and open to the public.

Dubuque Audubon September Program

Mowing to Monarchs

Thursday, 9/12/24
6:15/6:30 – 7:30 PM

EB Lyons Interpretive Center
8991 Bellevue Heights Road
Dubuque, IA 52003
View Map

Arrive at 6:15 for some social time before the meeting and an introduction of our 2024/2025 board members.

At 6:30, Kaytlan Moeller, Dubuque County Conservation, will present Mowing to Monarchs. Please join us as Kaytlan educates us on what we can do in our own yards to create pollinator-friendly pocket prairies!

Mowing to Monarchs (M2M) is a program established by the Dubuque County Conservation Board and the Dubuque County Master Gardeners. The M2M program provides accessible training & information and an experience base to guide urban and suburban homeowners in successfully adding high-value native plants into their yards. The program offers a combination of workshops, private coaching, planting guides, and funding for native pollinator planting in lawns. 

As usual, this event is free and open to the public.

Pop-up Field Trip

Guided Birding for Fall Migrants @ Mines of Spain
Location Change:  Starting at Farmstead Picnic Area

Saturday, 9/7/24
7 – 10 AM

Mines of Spain Rd, Dubuque, IA
View Map

Join Dubuque Audubon as we look for southbound fall warblers, vireos, and other migrant songbirds at the Mines of Spain. Audubon field trip leaders will be on hand to assist with identification! Binoculars are recommended. Come anytime but know the group may move away from the Farmstead Picnic Area after 8:00.

As always, this event is free and open to the public. All ages and skill sets are welcome!

We changed the location based on recent warbler sightings being better at the new location. We’re posting the change on Facebook as well and will send a broadcast email. (If you’re not on our email list, contact us to be added.) For those who might miss this announcement, we’ll have someone at the original location for half an hour, and we will also post signs.

Pop-up Field Trip

Chimney Swift Bonanza!

Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, IA
Thursday, 9/5/24
7:20 – 8:10 PM

View Map

Join Dubuque Audubon Society member Marty Corfman for a pop-up birding event! Watch as hundreds of Chimney Swifts circle a chimney before pouring into it one by one until each and every one of them is gone!  

Comments from Marty: We saw them on Wednesday night, and it was an incredible sight to behold. You don’t need binoculars, but they might be nice to have. I recommend a bag chair and bug spray. Meet at Wartburg behind the seminary in their parking lot at the location linked above. The entire swarm of hundreds (thousands?) of twittering birds went from a huge, circling flock to a condensed group that darked the sky above the chimney as they poured down into the chimney for the night. Hope to see you there!

Pop-up Field Trip

Birding @ Whitewater Canyon

Wednesday, 9/4/24
7:30 – 9:30 AM

Whitewater Canyon Rd (off Curoe Rd), Bernard, IA
View Map

Join Dubuque Audubon at the Whitewater Canyon Wildlife Management Area! We plan to walk to the scenic overlook, looking for any remaining grassland birds, and then we hope to find some migrating warblers at the overlook. No birding experience is required.

We’ll meet in the parking lot. Binoculars are recommended, and you may want to bring a water bottle. Check back for an update if the weather looks questionable.

Pop-up Field Trip

Birding @ Deere Dike Park

Sunday, 8/25/24
8-10 AM

18714 Riverside Rd.
View Map

Join Dubuque Audubon members Mary Leigh and Bob Pape at Deere Dike Park, Dubuque’s top wetlands complex.  All skill levels are welcome.

Binoculars are highly recommended, and you may want to bring a water bottle. Be advised that there are no rest rooms.

We’ll meet in the parking lot. We may opt to end by viewing birds through Bob’s scope on Riverside Road. Email with any questions. Check back for an update if the weather seems questionable.

Summer Opportunity

Tag Along for Bluebird Monitoring at Mines of Spain

May – August 2024
Friday afternoons/Saturday mornings (by appointment)

Love birds? Love being outside? Want to tag along on the bluebird trail? Join Lynn Schroeder of the Dubuque Audubon Society at the Mines of Spain and help her monitor nests, count eggs, and count baby bluebirds. All ages are welcome. Call or text her at 608-330-3227 if interested. 

Eastern Bluebird

Hosted By:  Dubuque Area Land and Water Legacy

Music, Art and Story Fest to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish Refuge and the 50th Anniversary of the Endangered Species Act

Date:  Sunday, June 9, 2024
Time:  1:30 – 7 PM
Location:  Smokestack community cultural venue, 62 E. 7th St., Dubuque, IA

The event will start with a story-telling slam, followed by musical performances by Big Blue Sky at 3:00 and Sun Green at 5:00. Big Blue Sky is led by Jon “Hawk” Stravers, leader of the Driftless Area Bird Conservancy. Included will be a reading of a state resolution adopted by the House of Representatives marking June 7 as Upper Mississippi River Refuge Day in Iowa, the day of its establishment by Congress in 1924. The “Echoes of the Mississippi” art exhibit will open with an artist reception as part of the fest. The exhibit will reflect on the “majestic beauty of the Mississippi River refuge and its rich biodiversity,” said Ivonne Fals of Dubuque Area Arts Collective. “The art will play a vital role in commemorating the refuge centennial and the anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, inspiring others to appreciate and protect these invaluable treasures for generations to come,” she added.

To start the event, personal stories of encounters with the river and its inhabitants will be highlighted in the story slam coordinated by Dale Easley. People with short stories to tell in a Moth Radio Hour-like format can contact Easley at

All monies raised will support the Dubuque Area Land, Water and Wildlife Habitat Fund, set up at the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque by Dubuque Area Land and Water Legacy. Until June 6, online contributions to the fund of $20 or more will include first floor admission to the art, music and story fest.  Remaining tickets will be available at the door for $25. None of these donations will be used to pay costs of the event. All will go to the habitat fund
The event is being organized by Chuck Isenhart and co-hosted by Smokestack, which is contributing the venue and sound system. Dubuque Area Arts Collective is curating the art exhibit. Dubuque Audubon Society is a co-sponsor of the music.
Refuge 100th Anniversary Logo

Hosted By:  Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge

Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge – 100th Anniversary Celebration in the Savanna District

Date:  Saturday, June 8, 2024
Time:  10 AM – 2 PM
Location:  Ingersoll Wetlands Learning Center, 7071 Riverview Road, Thompson, IL 61285

Join us for a special event celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Refuge! We will be hosting an open-house style event with presentations, demonstrations and activities for all ages! These will include, but not be limited to, conservation partner exhibition booths, a presentation of the first 100 years, meeting the faces of the Refuge, live fish identification, boat and river safety talks, flora walks, golf cart tours, an exhibition of the Friends of the Refuge Headwaters photo contest winners, arts and crafts, face painting, and lots of other free fun for everyone!

Questions? Call the Savanna District Office at 815-273-2732. We will update our Facebook post as we continue to develop event activities! Please stay tuned for more details!

More events, hosted by our partners and partners and Friends Groups, will be hosted up and down the river! Find out more at the 100th anniversary website.

Dubuque Audubon May Program

Reintroduction of Whooping Cranes to Wisconsin!

Saturday, 5/18/24
12:30 – 1:30 PM

EB Lyons Interpretive Center
8991 Bellevue Heights Road
Dubuque, IA 52003
View Map

George Archibald, Co-Founder and Senior Conservationist of the International Crane Foundation and author of My Life with Cranes, will share the amazing story of how Whooping Cranes were reintroduced to Wisconsin.  

Captive-raised birds learned the route to Florida by following three ultralight airplanes, outfitted with crane puppets to look like their parents. George will bring one of these crane puppets to demonstrate how they are used to prevent the chicks from imprinting on humans. His presentation will include how ICF breeds Whooping Cranes in captivity, releases them to the wild, and monitors their movements using radio transmitters attached to a leg band that communicates with satellites.

We are very fortunate to have George be the one to share this incredible success story!

NEW OPTION (WEATHER PERMITTING):  To join a birding group with George beginning around 10 AM near EB Lyons, please call Marty Corfman at 563-542-8511. Optionally bring your lunch for an 11:45 lunch break.


George Archibald
George Archibald
Whooping Crane
Whooping Crane
© Marty Corfman
Whooping Crane
Whooping Crane
© Mary Leigh
Baltimore Oriole
American Redstart
Orchard Oriole
Green Heron
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

Dubuque Audubon Annual Spring Species Count

Saturday, 5/11/24

View Map for Initial Location
View Map for Potluck Picnic

Join us for our annual fun day of spring birding! You’re welcome to spend as much or as little time as you like. We’ll meet up for a potluck picnic at the end of the day. (For those who might want to plan ahead for other years, we traditionally hold this event on the Saturday before Mother’s Day.)

This event is free, and no birding experience is required. Audubon guides will be on hand to help you identify species. Binoculars are recommended.

Arrive as early as 6 AM for birding around the Julien Dubuque Monument, but be sure to arrive in the monument parking lot by 8 AM if you want to continue to other locations.*  

After 8 AM, we’re no longer guaranteed to be in the monument area. We’ll likely start on some trails at Mines of Spain, and we’ll drive between locations. Some may opt to go out to lunch and continue birding into the afternoon, where the destination will be determined as we go.

At 5 PM, we’ll gather at Swiss Valley Park (not to be confused with Swiss Valley Nature Center) for a potluck picnic at the Sycamore Pavilion. We’ll provide brats and hotdogs, and we’ll tabulate the birding results. To help with our planning, please give us your brat and/or hot dog counts no later than noon on the day before, either by filling out a Contact Us form or by sending an email to AudubonDubuqueWeb@gmail.comIf you birded with us for part of the day, we’d be glad to have you return for the picnic! Optionally bring a dish to pass and/or table service, but neither are required! Bottled water will be provided.

* If you cannot arrive by 8 AM, you may make other arrangements by filling out a Contact Us form or by emailing no later than noon on the day before. 

16th St. Basin Garbage

Pop-up Event

Dubuque 16th Street Basin Cleanup

Sunday, 4/21/24

View Map

The 16th Street Basin is an important stopping point for migratory birds. This basin drains directly into the Mississippi River. Unfortunately this area is littered with thousands of plastic bottles, cans, etc. Please join Dubuque Audubon as we attempt to put a dent in this trash buildup. Gloves and bags will be provided. Please meet at the 16th St. basin overlook pavilion by 2 pm to help.

Dubuque Audubon April Program

Churchill, Manitoba – Past & Present

Thursday, 4/11/24
6 – 7 PM

EB Lyons Interpretive Center
8991 Bellevue Heights Road
Dubuque, IA 52003
View Map

Dubuque Audubon board members Maggie O’Connell, Bob Walton, and Sandy Walton will speak about their 1986 and 2019 trips to Churchill, Manitoba.

Churchill, Manitoba is known as the polar bear and beluga whale capital of the world and is considered a bird watcher and aurora borealis viewing paradise. The program will focus on excerpts from a 1986 canoeing and camping trip on the Churchill River, which ended with a stay in the town of Churchill, as well as their 2019 stay in the modern Churchill of today.

Polar Bear
Polar Bear
© Bob Walton

Dubuque Audubon March Program

Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge—The First 100 Years

Thursday, 3/14/24
6 – 7 PM

EB Lyons Interpretive Center
8991 Bellevue Heights Road
Dubuque, IA 52003
View Map

Ed Britton, manager of the Savanna District of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge, will summarize the history of the refuge, which was created in 1924 and celebrates its 100th Anniversary in 2024. 

The Refuge stretches 261 miles from Wabasha, Minnesota to Rock Island, Illinois, protecting over 240,000 acres of Mississippi River floodplain. He will also discuss recently completed habitat improvements within the Savanna district and proposed future projects.

Refuge 100th Anniversary Logo
Ring-Necked Duck

Dubuque Audubon Annual Duck Waddle

Saturday, 3/9/24

Green Island Wildlife Management Area
located in Jackson County, IA
View Map

Join us on our annual trip to Green Island to observe migrating waterfowl! Green Island is one of Iowa’s largest wetland complexes and attracts thousands of ducks, geese, cranes, and other aquatic-based birds each March.  Audubon guides will be on hand to help identify the numerous species. Binoculars are recommended. This event is free, and you may come and go as you choose.

To carpool from Dubuque, meet at Banworth & Udelhoven Furniture World at 9396 Bellevue Heights Road (View Map) at 6:00 AM. Otherwise you can meet the group at Green Island on Fish Lake Road where it intersects Green Island Road (View Map) between 6:45 and 7:00 AM.

Normally the trip lasts most of the morning, and for those that wish, we end by having breakfast/lunch at a restaurant.

Dubuque Audubon February Program

Iowa Wildlife Action Plan

Thursday, 2/8/24
6 – 7 PM

EB Lyons Interpretive Center
8991 Bellevue Heights Road
Dubuque, IA 52003
View Map

Katy Fullin, Iowa DNR Wildlife Action Plan Manager, will speak  about the Iowa Wildlife Action Plan (IWAP) and what is being done to implement it.  

First approved in 2006, this plan is a 25-year strategy for conservation of all wildlife in Iowa. It is a proactive plan designed to conserve all wildlife in Iowa before they become rare and more costly to protect.

Dubuque Audubon January Program


Thursday, 1/11/24
6 – 7 PM

EB Lyons Interpretive Center
8991 Bellevue Heights Road
Dubuque, IA 52003
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David Shealer, professor at Loras College, will give a demonstration on eBird, including some advanced tools.

With its launch in 2002 as a joint project by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society, eBird allows birders of all experience levels to enter when, where, and how they went birding, entering checklists of all birds seen and heard during their outings (both past and present).

You can access this accumulated birding data, looking up which birds have been seen where.  If you create an eBird account, then you can start reporting your sightings.

(Read about eBird on our RESOURCES page.)

Christmas Bird Count Map - 10 mile radius
10 mile radius
Snow Bunting
© Tony Moline

Dubuque Audubon Annual Christmas Bird Count

Saturday, 12/30/23
(Backup Date: 12/31/23)
Start:  8 AM
Result Compilation:  5 PM

EB Lyons Interpretive Center
8991 Bellevue Heights Road
Dubuque, IA 52003
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The annual Audubon Christmas Bird count is the longest running organized citizen science project in the United States.  Join Dubuque Audubon field trip leaders as we split into groups to identify and count birds within a 10 mile radius of Center Grove Cemetary, Dubuque, IA. Sectors include Swiss Valley, Mines of Spain, City of Dubuque, Western Dubuque, Deere Dike/north of Dubuque, Dubuque Airport, and western Grant County.

You may also sign up to participate by feeder-watching from home (read details below).

Meet at EB Lyons at 8 AM.  All skill levels are welcome. As we move between locations, you can carpool with leaders or drive separately, depending on space and preference. Compilation will be at 5 pm inside EB Lyons.  All data will be submitted to the National Audubon Society and used to track trends in bird diversity.

If you want to participate by watching a birdfeeder at home, please sign up in advance by emailing

You would need to be within the radius we cover, which is essentially Dubuque, Asbury, East Dubuque, Sageville, Durango, and Centralia, and to follow the protocol of keeping track of your total birding time and counting how many you see of each species. If you count periodically throughout the day, you should add up your total time spent, and you should not double-count birds. For example, if you are watching your bird feeder and see 2 Blue Jays at once and then see 1 later that looks the same as the earlier birds, then your Blue Jay count would remain at 2.

On the day of the count, submit your results by emailing your name, birding location(s), total time spent, and your species list with corresponding counts to by 5 PM.

Great Gray Owl
Great Gray Owl
© Tony Moline

Dubuque Audubon December Program

Sax Zim Bog

Thursday, 12/14/23
6 – 7 PM

EB Lyons Interpretive Center
8991 Bellevue Heights Road
Dubuque, IA 52003
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Dubuque Audubon field trip leader Tony Moline will discuss winter wildlife watching at Sax Zim Bog. Located in northern Minnesota, Sax Zim offers excellent opportunities for viewing boreal bird species and several owl species, including the Great Gray Owl. Learn how and when to visit, what species to expect, and how you can help preserve this special wilderness area. This program is free and open to the public.

Ian Ermine
© Tony Moline

If you missed our December program on Sax Zim Bog, a recording is available, thanks to a sponsor who arranged and covered the taping.

History: 2023 Posters

Dubuque Audubon November 2023 Program

Past Event - November 2023

Dubuque Audubon October 2023 Program

Past Event - October 2023

Dubuque Audubon September 2023 Program

Past Event - September 2023

Dubuque Audubon Annual Spring Species Count & May 2023 Program

Past Event - May 2023

Dubuque Audubon April 2023 Program

Past Event - April 2023

Dubuque Audubon Annual Duck Waddle & March 2023 Program

Past Event - March 2023

Dubuque Audubon February 2023 Program

The February 2023 program was canceled due to the weather.

Dubuque Audubon January 2023 Program

Past Event - January 2023