2024 Spring Species Count

Bird Counts, Events

Our annual spring species count, held on Saturday, May 11, 2024, was a great success! Despite virtually no shorebirds and only one owl species, we were able to locate 145 individual species!

Highlights included Yellow-Breasted Chat, Surf Scoter, Common Gallinule, and 25 species of warbler! Our June newsletter will include the species list.

Prothonotary Warbler
© Mary Leigh (5/11/24)
Yellow-breasted Chat
© Mary Leigh (5/11/24)
© Mary Leigh (5/11/24)

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On December 28th, Dubuque Audubon members and volunteers participated in the annual Christmas Bird Count.  Unseasonably, high temperatures were both a blessing and a curse, as an iceless river lead to lower than normal numbers for waterfowl.


Thanks to everyone who came out to the raptor watch at the Mines of Spain! We counted 53 Broad-winged Hawks. When they seemed to drop down on us from above, we speculated that there may have been many more that we couldn't see due to the cloud coverage.


We had a nice-sized group for our pop-up field trip yesterday at the Whitewater Canyon Wildlife Management Area. The warblers did not cooperate by showing up at the overlook, but we had an enjoyable morning!


10 people joined us for our pop-up field trip today at Deere Dike Park! We didn't see as many birds as we had hoped, but we had a fun time. Highlights included Green Herons, a Spotted Sandpiper, Bald Eagles, Tree Swallows, and Purple Martins.

Bird Counts, Christmas Bird Count, Events

On 12/30/23, we had a total of 23 participants who counted 71 species and 23,779 total birds! We added an additional 5 species seen during count week, for a total of 76 species. (Count week includes the 3 days before and 3 days after the count day, for a total of 7 days.)