On 12/30/23, we had a total of 23 participants who counted 71 species and 23,779 total birds! We added an additional 5 species seen during count week, for a total of 76 species. (Count week includes the 3 days before and 3 days after the count day, for a total of 7 days.)
2023 is the first year Sandhill Cranes have been reported on this annual count. Eurasian Tree Sparrow made the list for the 4th consecutive year after being on the list for the 1st time 4 years ago, indicating this species is making inroads to establishing a permanent population in the county. Overall numbers (particularly Bald Eagles, Dark Eyed Junco, and American Tree Sparrows) were down, possibly due to the mild weather, which allowed birds to be more spread out than they would be with significant snowpack and ice. Waterfowl numbers were at record levels (particularly American Coot and Canvasback), likely due to open water. We counted almost 15,000 Canvasback this year, compared to 314 last year. Highlights included 2 Northern Shrikes, a Long-eared Owl, and a count week Harlequin Duck.
Our grand total for the week of 76 species is one more than last year, with 63 birds on the lists for consecutive years.
See full results on our Birds page.

© Mary Leigh
Christmas Bird Count