"More Birding" Email Sign-up
Regular Email List
If you provide an email address when joining or renewing, you will automatically be placed on our regular email list.
Those on our regular email list receive notifications of our programs, newsletters, field trips, and other items of interest. The field trip email notifications include our annual Christmas bird count, Duck Waddle, and spring species count, where we have experienced Audubon guides to help with identification. Those on our regular email list also receive notifications of occasional pop-up field trips and events, such as the 2024 fall raptor watch.
Use our Contact Us form to sign up for our regular email list.
"More Birding" Email List

Do you want more group birding opportunities? As an experiment in 2025, we are going to try creating a separate email list for those who do. Sometimes one of our experienced bird guides may go along, but we may be able to offer more opportunities without that requirement.
Maybe those who show up to one birding hike will pick a place to go next. Maybe you’ll propose an idea, and we can try to make it happen. We hope participants will help direct where and when we go. If we come up with an especially exciting plan, we may opt to put it on the website and send a broadcast email to our regular email list too, but the idea is to have more outings without any concern that we’re sending too many emails to people who are not interested.
Let’s try this approach for a year, to see whether it evolves or dissolves!
Sign up below. All levels of experience are welcome, and like always, binoculars are highly recommended!