Common Yellowthroat
Common Yellowthroat
© Ken Kiss
Red-headed Woodpecker
Red-headed Woodpecker
© Mary Leigh
Black-billed Cuckoo
Black-billed Cuckoo
© Tony Moline
Baltimore Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
© Mary Leigh
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
© Marty Corfman


National Audubon Society

The Dubuque Audubon Society is a chapter of the National Audubon SocietyWhen you join the National Audubon Society using the button below, you simultaneously join our local Audubon chapter. The annual cost is a $20 minimum donation, which is for a family or an individual. Please note that the Dubuque Aububon Society is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with its own budget and programs. Although we are a chapter of the National Audubon Society, we rely on support from our local members to carry out our wide array of programs.

National members will receive the award-winning Audubon magazine. If you become a national member, your renewals will be handled through the National Audubon Society. We recommend noting the month you join, so that you will not be confused by early renewal reminders.

If you join at the national level, it may take 4-12 weeks to be added to our local list. If you would like to be added sooner, please email and let us know!

 Dubuque Audubon Society

If you wish to join or renew membership in the Dubuque Audubon Society without joining the National Audubon Society, then please print and fill out our membership formMail your completed form with payment to the address shown on the form.

Local chapter dues are $10 per year, and dues remain with the local chapter. Membership is in effect for one year from the date of payment.

Members will receive our local chapter newsletter, Pileated Drummings. 

Contact us if you have any questions about membership.

If you provide an email address when joining or renewing, you will automatically be placed on our regular email list. As an experiment in 2025, we are going to try creating a separate email list for those who would like more group birding opportunities.

Read more on our “More Birding” Email Sign-up page.

Mississippi River Panorama
Mississippi River Panorama
Website header before December 2023
© Dr. Abdul K. Sinno