
Anyone interested in birdwatching, nature, or the quality of the environment is welcome to become a member of the Dubuque Audubon Society.

Our tri-state region is a great place for birds, and one of the great things about birds is that you can enjoy them at all levels of involvement. You may be surprised how many different species we have in the area at different times of year and how quickly you can begin to identify many of them once you start looking. (Binoculars help!) Any time of year is a great time to be a birder, and we hope you’ll join us!

Our Mission

The mission of the Dubuque Audubon Society is to provide educational opportunities to the people of the tri-state area and to preserve the natural habitat of birds and other wildlife.

 Dubuque and Jackson County Conservation Virtual Information Session

County Conservation Citizen Science Virtual Rundown

Thursday, 3/27/25
6:30 PM (over Zoom)

Join us to learn about becoming a volunteer for wildlife monitoring! Help with butterfly & bee surveys, bird counts, Bluebird box monitoring, bat counts, and water quality monitoring. By participating, you will help us gather valuable data about the species that inhabit our local parks.

Dubuque and Jackson County Conservation are hosting this virtual information session to provide more details about these projects and their specific requirements. Representatives from the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation and the Midwest Save Our Streams Izaak Walton League of America will be present to share insights and answer any questions you may have.

This program is free and open to the public. Read more and find the Zoom link at the event summary.

Dubuque Audubon April Program

Capturing Moments in Nature

Thursday, 4/10/25
6:45 PM Social/Sharing Time
7 – 8 PM Program

EB Lyons Interpretive Center
8991 Bellevue Heights Road
Dubuque, IA 52003
View Map

Have you ever wondered how the wildlife photos you see in stores or magazines are taken and where they come from? The National Wildlife Refuge system is made up of wonderful places around our country that are often the sites for the pictures you see. In his program “Capturing Moments in Nature,” Stan Bousson will share photos that have been taken in many locations along the Mississippi River near his home in Illinois. Also included are photos taken at wildlife refuges and national parks from other areas of the country. He will discuss photographic equipment and techniques used to shoot those images and share information about where to look for wildlife you may want to observe or photograph.

I have always been interested in photography and wildlife. As a child growing up in Michigan, I gained an appreciation for nature. As an adult, I took whatever opportunities I could to take photos.

At the end of 2002, my wife and I retired. That allowed many hours of time to devote to nature photography. We have repeatedly traveled to several national parks and wildlife refuges to observe and take photos of a wide variety of animals and birds. Being retired also allowed for time to volunteer for U.S. Fish & Wildlife at several national wildlife refuges, including the Upper Mississippi River Wildlife & Fish Refuge. I also presented photo programs to local & National Audubon Society groups. Another activity that I have done is volunteer photography work for the Corps of Engineers and county conservation departments.

I have presented many photo programs to a variety of audiences and have won numerous awards in wildlife photo contests. In 2012, I was fortunate enough to have a photograph in National Geographic Magazine and also some video footage in a National Geographic TV program about Mississippi River wildlife.

Living near the Mississippi River has helped create a great interest in photographing bald eagles. Always looking for new types of photos of eagles, I developed ways to photograph baby eagles in their nest. The behavior of nesting eagles is very interesting to watch, even though success each year is not guaranteed.

Over the years, I have learned many aspects of the technical knowledge for photo equipment and computer hardware & software. This allows me to share my knowledge of taking photos of wildlife with any interested photographers.

Calendar of Events

We hold monthly meetings from September through May, with programs on a variety of topics related to nature and the environment.

We also hold an annual Christmas bird count, an annual Duck Waddle at Green Island (traditionally the 2nd Saturday in March), and an annual spring species count (traditionally the Saturday before Mother’s Day), and we offer additional field trips throughout the year.  

You can tailor your birding to your interest and activity level, and all levels of experience are welcome.

Latest Newsletter

Spring 2025

Recent Blog Posts

News of Interest

Most Recent YouTube Video

Red Crossbill (female)
Peosta, IA

If you provide an email address when joining or renewing, you will automatically be placed on our regular email list. As an experiment in 2025, we are going to try creating a separate email list for those who would like more group birding opportunities.

Read more on our “More Birding” Email Sign-up page.

Roadside Snow Cone Show!


eBird isn’t just a way for you to keep track of the birds you see; it’s a great resource for finding birds you’ve never seen.

Try out the links below to explore Dubuque County in eBird.

Learn about eBird on our Resources page.